This lesson plan relates to the Shape Dance from Fin Amour.
Learning Objectives/Goals
Students will explore making a series of shapes with a chair as a design partner.
Materials Needed
A chair, music or drum
Class goals and objectives, space boundaries
Have the students walk around their chair, over their chair, away from their chair and toward their chair. Use different locomotor movements such as skipping or running, etc.
Have students return to their chair and begin to create some frozen shapes using the following words as prompts: Leaning shape, Lifting shape, pushing shape, lying-down shape, twisting shape, sitting shape.
Students will select 3 of the shapes they created and put those into a pattern. Then decide how to transition from one shape to another. Slowly? Quickly? Traveling?
Put the chair patterns to music and perform in small groups.
Extension to the Lesson
Create a group chair dance, 2 people and 2 chairs, using the same instructions above.
Follow Up Resources
Dance to Learn video lessons