In this lesson plan, students will explore rhythm, using shape and 3 types of lines (straight, curved and angles). Students will work together in groups and use their counting skills while moving.
Learning Objectives/Goals
Students will explore creating and moving with straight, curved and angled lines. Using rhythm and levels and different directions to create a sequence.
Materials Needed
A large open space, music with a strong beat that is not too fast, drum
Introduce goals for the class and expectations as well as space boundaries.
Use a count of 8 – ask students to walk for 8 counts, do jumping jacks for 8 counts, shake their whole bodies for 8 counts and then melt to the floor and roll one time and stand up by the count of 8 to begin again. Use the same idea with 4 counts, then 2 counts and 1 count. Try this same idea but have student select new actions to put into the 4 sections. For example: Hop for 8 counts, Glide for 8 counts, Swim for 8 counts, and Tip Toe for 8 counts. Then cut to 4 counts each, then 2 counts, then 1 count.
Clap and walk on the 1 of 8 counts, clap and walk on the 1 of 4 counts, clap and walk on the 1 of 2 counts, Clap and walk on the 1 of 1 count. Line up the students in groups of 4. Give each a number starting from one side to the other (1, 2, 3, 4). On a drum cue, have the students sit down on the count, then stand up on their count. Practice doing this right on the beat and not after the beat.
Use the drum for this section. Now on their beat number, have the students create a straight, curved and angle shape. The count 1 person is the leader. They will create a straight shape on count 1, the next person copies that shape on count 2, the next on count 3, and the final person on count 4. Repeat with Curved shape, then with a zig-zag shape. Then the student who is 1 will rotate to the back of the line and the whole process will begin again with a new leader.
Try this again, but with music that uses a steady beat. Practice first clapping the beat out, then start the pattern!
Extension to the Lesson
Add levels and different facings to the pattern! These additions will make it more challenging.
Follow Up Resources
Dance to Learn Video Lessons