This lesson plan will explore various ways of walking in different directions on different levels, inspired by Fin Amour Walking Dance.
Learning Objectives/Goals
Explore Levels (high, medium and low), Use of personal and general space, Explore Time (fast, medium and slow speeds)
Materials Needed
A large space or space with no obstructions, music or an instrument
Watch the Walking dance from Fin Amour.
Using a large open space, students will explore walking forward traveling in any direction. Students may change the direction of the walk so they don't collide with another student. Students may walk using their own tempo (fast, medium or slow).
Students will repeat walking, but this time find ways to travel sideways, then backwards and then walking and turning. Next add, walking on different levels, but keep walking forward, backwards, sideways or turning, but add high, medium and low levels. Then add some tempo changes, such as fast, medium or slow.
Students will work with a partner. Have them create their own walking dance, using directions, levels and different speeds.
Students will show the creations to one another and the audience will tell them what directions, levels and speeds they observed during the performance.
Extension to the Lesson
Add different actions to the created patterns, for example, instead of walking try skipping or hopping, etc.
Follow Up Resources
Dance to Learn video classes