In this movement lesson, students will use the ideas of shape (symmetrical and asymmetrical), stillness vs. movement and levels in space (high, medium and low) to move across the room.
Learning Objectives/Goals
Students will work with space and shape in this lesson plan. Symmetrical and Asymmetrical shapes will be explored as well as different levels and the idea of moving vs. stillness. Students will also create their own patterns using all the ideas explored during the lesson.
Materials Needed
A large open space, objects to mark the middle of the floor and the spot to "jump over" an object. Set 4 rows of an object in the middle of the space or draw a line with tape along the floor. Then set another row of 4 objects a few feet in front of the middle tape or objects. Drum and some music.
State class expectations. Ask the students to look at the way the room is set up. What do they notice? Ask for 4 student volunteers. Place them at the furthest end of the space lined up with the objects, forming 4 rows. Ask the students to line up behind the line leaders in as even rows as possible. See if they can do this without help from you!
This is a relay idea, but NOT a race! The overall structure of the movement relay is: 1. Run as fast as you can to the center line. 2. Freeze on the Center Line (for 3-5 seconds) 3. Run as fast as you can to the object in front of you. 4. Jump over the object and either land on one foot or both and hold the freeze for 3-5 seconds. Line Leaders go first, once completed, have them sit down and wait for the rest of the lines to complete the relay. Look for frozen shapes when students freeze. Who is most frozen?
Adding to the relay each time...
1. Add to the frozen shape #1, must be a different level (high, medium or low), frozen shape #2 must be at a different level than shape #1
2. Add to the frozen shape #1, must be at a level and symmetrical; add to the frozen shape #2, must be at a different level and asymmetrical
3. Keep the above directions, but change the running to different verbs (skip, jump, hop,
gallop, crawl, etc.)
Put students in groups of 2. Have them create a movement sequence together that travels the relay pathway. Have them create a way to travel together to the middle tape, then freeze in a symmetrical shape together and then find a new way to travel to the object and find a way to jump over it together, then freeze in an asymmetrical shape. Put these with music and have them show to the group.
Ask students as they are watching what they notice about the choices each group made in their creative process. Did they see different levels? Frozen shapes? Symmetrical Shapes? Asymmetrical Shapes?
Extension to the Lesson
Have students take the pattern created with their partner and find a new pathway in the space. Maybe add a curving pathway or zig-zag pathway or a combination of all 3!
Follow-up Resources
Use ideas from other PE relays to add to this creative dance experience!